"Thank you. This was life changing in ways I had no idea was possible"
"This was the most revolutionary training I have ever attended. Bold, Empowering, and Re-Energizing. Thank you. I didn’t anticipate such an amazing gift."
"Every woman should be required to take this course. The amount of learning over the 3 days has been transformative."
"Categories of non-requests – huge! I have learned that I need to identify my patterns so I can break them."
"I learned SO MUCH. Thank you…big change on my horizon & this has been so pertinent!"
"I have learned Strategy for better handling change and the Importance for dealing with emotions before the possibilities & action phases can begin.
Today really helped me notice skills that I am lacking when it comes to taking control of my life. I am a leader on campus, and today made me realize that I can expand my leadership skills and stop being passive."
"Thanks for a very helpful presentation. The process you outlined is awesome."
"Great session. Really makes me think."
"I am feeling stronger and more confident in applying my purpose to future projects, job searches, and beyond."
"Thanks to this course, I might actually go with the new company and get the work/life balance I want!"
"I am Rejuvenated, so my quality of work should be as well."
"I will be leaving the company without the resentment I have felt for years. I am now at peace with everything that's happening and am excited for what's to come."
"The framework for thinking through possibilities was very helpful…"
"This session provided greater insight for professionals/students about how to apply these skills in their life. Phenomenal for this audience."
"Loved the spontaneous "case studies" …working through those as a large group was valuable."