What does it take to live a satisfying life? Certainly one of the most important factors is knowing and living consistently with your purpose in life. We are not talking about goals or even commitments but the central organizing principle that gives your life meaning.
The power of living on purpose is immeasurable. It energizes every part of our lives. Most of us have had the experience of being “on purpose” where our life flows almost effortlessly. Where our results are significant and things just seem to “come together”. But what does it take to live that way all the time? Not just trip over it occasionally.
This powerful course explores how to know, understand and live life on purpose. It also goes beyond individual purpose to having teams and groups living purposefully, as well.
When we live to fulfill our purpose, relationships become even more important. For most of us living on purpose has to do with making a difference in people’s lives. To do that you must have the ability to create relationships, so you have the ability to impact the lives of others.
Also, when you are out to make a difference, you will run into resistance. There will be conflict. Our ability to resolve conflict in a way that preserves or even enhances relationships is crucial. Damaging others in the pursuit of a goal is off purpose.
This course teaches both what it takes to be on purpose and what real life skills are needed to create and maintain relationships in the very diverse, chaotic, world we live in.
About This Course
- This course is designed to be delivered to intact teams when delivered in-house.
- It is designed to build healthy strong sub cultures that will in turn shift the larger culture.
- The course is 3 days long. (There is no compressed format.)
- Maximum group size is 14.
- All participants need to be in attendance all 3 days.
- There are no laptops, cell phones or other electronic devices allowed to be on while the workshop is in session.
What You Will Learn
- How to clarify your purpose and know how to recognize when you are on and off purpose.
- You will understand how living life on purpose gives meaning and context to your whole life and all of life’s circumstances both good and bad.
- You will learn the skills of listening and presence, giving you the ability to create relationships rather than dependencies. This will give you the ability to empower the people around you rather than having to control them.
- You will learn how to resolve conflict in a way that enhances relationship.
- You will understand how giftedness effects how you see yourself and others. This understanding reduces stress and misunderstandings that occur everyday.
- You will understand how responsibly disclosing emotions creates relationship and reduces resistance.
- You will understand how to integrate your successes into your self-esteem to build self-confidence commensurate with your competence.
- You will learn how to build team/project/group purpose to add meaning and engagement to all activities, for everyone on the team.
Expected Outcomes
- Individuals will have a greater sense of satisfaction for their work and life in general.
- Managers will change their leadership style away from command and control and toward relationship based management (Autonomy).
- Participants will build strong, healthy, purpose based relationships that will build the foundation for shifting culture.
- Individuals will have the skills necessary to build and maintain relationships necessary to produce results across cultures and generations.
- Participants will have the skills and context to prevent burnout. Millennials will see how they can make a difference regardless of the organization they are in.
- Participants will understand themselves better and more accurately will be able to read and understand others.
- Teams will operate at higher level in their ability to rapidly resolve conflict and produce improved team results.