This is the time of year I often find myself asking, what have I forgotten? And that was certainly the case this weekend, as we head into the final few days before Thanksgiving, here in the States. This year, it was the turkey. We didn't forget to buy it, but thaw it! According to Siri, it takes a day to thaw for every 5 pounds. Gratefully I somehow remembered late last night...
Maybe you don't have that same issue, of asking yourself, "what have I forgotten?" And maybe you are completely prepared and looking forward to a fabulous holiday with family and friends. And maybe you need to think about, like I have been lately, not what have I forgotten, rather, who have I forgotten? Who are those people in my past I may have forgotten? Those people who may no longer be in our present lives but had an important impact on the life we get to live and love today?
So often, we focus our thanks on the present. What we are grateful for in the present. The latest gift, encouraging text, or new job. Or the recent past, what activities we did, what we accomplished, what learned over the last year. And maybe as the past gets a little fuzzier, so do the people who walked along side of us. People who were a major reason why we are where we are and who we are today.
This was certainly the case for me last month, when I as asked to speak at our annual FCA fund-raising dinner in Omaha. I was asked to share why I choose to support this ministry. And a main reason I do is because of a person who I had forgotten, Coach Greiner. He was the person who invited me to my first FCA meeting as a freshman in high school, which significantly impacted my faith. And that got me thinking. Who else have I forgotten? Who else may no longer be in my life, but has impacted the life I currently get to live?
Next I thought of Donna, whose daughter Dawn showed up on our front step with homemade brownies, the day Rick and I moved into our fist home in St. Louis. Donna taught me what being a great neighbor looked like. Then there was Mama Gin, who would walk me to the bus stop when my Mom couldn't. And my college coach, who taught me how to better compete and become the best possible basketball player that I could be.
So this holiday season, in addition to thinking about what you forgot, maybe also think about who you forgot. Maybe it is a former teacher, doctor, manager, service provider. Who is it for you? And if they are still alive, perhaps you can let them know, once again, how grateful you are to them for impacting your life.
And for you dear readers, please know I am grateful for you. Because if you are reading this, that means we probably have worked together. And you have likely been in a workshop, or sponsored a workshop with me. And that allows me to do what I love and live a life that I love. My hope this holiday season is the same for you.
May you be living a life that you love and may we never forget those who helped us along the way!