As summer fades to fall, I am grateful for the opportunity to have slowed down over the summer. It wasn't a complete shutdown, as I had thought it would be (see June blog), but it was definitely a slow down. I knew I needed it. Largely because I needed time to recover from a very busy spring. As it turned out I would also need it to prepare for a fall that will be more demanding. After sharing that I will be traveling every week until Thanksgiving, my brother-in-law said to me, "now that you have your own company, couldn't you have planned that a little better?" That made me laugh. I suppose so. But the truth is, I am ready to go again. And all of it, both the personal and professional that is planned for the next 9 weeks is all good, all important, and will all get done.
No doubt there are demands this month I'd like to share three things that help me when it all begins to look a little overwhelming:
So, as I move forward into a full fall, I am ready. I have a good plan in place. I am committed to do my best to enjoy each day as it comes. And as for celebrating yesterday, I am excited to share some feedback from this past summer, when the first ever Women Moving Forward® workshop was held in Omaha, NE. Thanks to the six amazing women who made this possible!
"I will be more confident and productive...amazing workshop...can't wait to continue on my journey."
"I will be a stronger leader...tying things together and faster acknowledgement of when I am stuck or holding myself back..."
"I will have a stronger voice and healthy confrontation..."
"I personally feel rejuvenated...and will be much more present and open to new relationships, exposure and responsibility."